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Welcome to Operation Cross Training (OCT) and the programs we are invested in. We want you to be a part of our community! Check each one out and pray for God to lead your decision on where you can be a part.

To get started and learn more, each warrior in training will be required to attend our Bootcamp. It’s short and simple. There is no cost, no obligation or expectation. We truly seek to see men and women rise up to the call of being a Warrior for Christ. If you are ready –> START HERE!

REACH: Platform to give artist, bands, and speakers exposure and recorded media

ENGAGE: Community engagement, mentoring and accountability through HQ and events

TRAIN: Physical Preparedness, Faithful Discipleship, Spiritual Unity for one heart at a time
: Introduction to OCT, being a Christian Warrior and developing a Battle Plan
    GROW: Knowing and Serving God’s Purpose for you
    LEAD: Leadership Training
    Warrior Fit: Health & Fitness Training with 1-on-1 Instructor

PRAY: Prayer in community to see miracles and healing

Journal: Written/Video articles

Blogcast: Video/Podcast from Operation Cross Training and the Daily Launch

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