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To see people embrace and pursue a righteous relationship with God with vigilance, purpose and courage.

We are passionate about inspiring people to become physical and spiritual warriors leading with a servant’s heart.

Prepare Christian Warriors through Physical Training, Faithful Discipleship, and Spiritual Unity by organizing and offering fellowship, mentorship, learning paths, events, training, media, and operating outpost(s) in every city, state and country. 

Be vigilant. Operate with purpose. Inspire through courage.

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So what does Operation Cross Training actually do and how does your support help?

We strive to inspire, develop and grow people into Christian leaders with a warrior mindset by teaching and demonstrating biblical based concepts of leadership, accountability, life, health, fitness, spiritual matters, and healthy relationships. To dig deeper into the details, click here: Programs

How do I support?

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7

We appreciate every cheerful heart willing to give to help the cause! We are in need of financial support as well as boots on the ground. Ask God to lead your heart in your decision to support this ministry!

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How else can I support?
Please fill out your information and advise how you would like to give.
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